B 777:Boeing , The production of B777-300 was authorized on june 26,1995.The formal authorization"go-ahead' for the program followed by the announcement at paris air show in 1995. The first B777-300 was delivered in june 1998.
B777-300 is streched 33 feet(10 m.)from the initial B777-200 model. As a result,the capacity is increased from 368 to 386 passengers.
The Boeing 777 is the first jetliner to be 100 percent digitally designed using three-dimensional computer graphics.
Throughout the design process, the airplane was "pre-assembled" on the computer, eliminating the need for a costly, full-scale mock-up.
The airplane is larger than all other twinjet or trijet airplanes and smaller than the 747.
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A 350 : Airbus A350 is a Long-range airliner. Airbus has listened to its customers, who were interested in the medium size category with greater range
to complement their current Airbus wide-body families. There would be the A350-800 and A350-900, based on the A330-200 and A330-300 respectively, the cabin of the A350 will be 3 inches wider than the A330 ,but with range increases of 1000 miles or more.
The A350 is based on the A330, but with substantial improvements so that Airbus now claims its nearly a new aircraft.
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A 380 : A380 is a new family of large aircraft with double-deck for passengers.The initial A380-800 aircraft
will carry 555 passengers. It made the first flight in 2005 and entry into service in October 2007 . The first airline delivery is singapore airlines. Up till now , many companies have acquiring
A380, they include Thai Airways International which ordered six of A380-800.
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F-35 :America's newest combat aircraft, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) will be manufactured by Lockheed Martin .
The Lockheed Martin team includes Northrop Grumman, BAE Systems, Pratt & Whitney and Rolls-Royce. Major subassemblies will be produced by Northrop Grumman. BAE Systems is
responsible for aft fuselage horizontal and vertical tails and the wing-fold mechanism, using experience from the Harrier STOVL programme.The F-35 family
designated the F-35A, F-35B and F-35C which are similar in shape and size and power by the same basic engine.
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B-787 : Boeing B-787 Dreamliner which will carry 200-250 passengers on routes
between 7,200 and 8,000 nautical miles (13,334-14,816 km). The airplane will use 15 to 20 percent less fuel for comparable missions than any other wide body airplane. B-787 made maiden flight on 15 Dec.2009 and already delivered to ANA as the first airlines.
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Aircraft Propellers :Thrust is generated by the propulsion system of the aircraft.
There are different types of propulsion systems develop thrust in different ways, although it usually generated through some application of Newton's Third Law.
Propeller is one of the propulsion system. The purpose of the propeller is to move the aircraft through the air
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Aircraft Engines :The jet engines are essentially a machine designed for the purpose of producing high velocity gasses at the jet nozzle . The engine is started by rotating the compressor with the starter ,
the outside air enter to the engine .
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Aircraft Navigation :GPS (Global Positioning System) is the only system today
able to show you where your exactly position on the earth at anytime and any weather condition. 24 satellites are all orbit around the
earth at 11,000 nautical miles above the earth. The satellites are placed into six different orbital planes
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Helicopter : A typical helicopter has two sets of rotors. The main set commonly called the main rotors,
has upwards of two or more seperate blades and provides the lift for flight. The second set are much smaller and mounted vertically on the end of the helicopter's tail boom. This set is normally
refered to as the anti-torque rotor or tail rotor. The function of this tail rotor is to counter the torque produced by the powered main rotor
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Airplane: It was , of couse, the birds who were responsible for the whole complicated story . A man with the brain of a scientist began to think seriouly about attainment of the dream.
This was Leonado da Vinci (1452-1519).There are four forces acting on the airplane all the time during airplane is flying.The four forces are: (1) Lift, (2)Gravity force or Weight, (3)Thrust, and (4) Drag.
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The moon : Mass=7.349e+22 kg., or 1.2298e-02 of earth; Equatorial radius = 1,737.4 km; Distance from earth = 384, 400 km ;
Gravity=1.62 m/sec/sec, or 16% of earth; Temp.(day) = 107C; Temp.(night)= -153C; Orbital vel.= 1.03 km/sec; Density = 3.34 gm/cu.cm:
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